Saturday, February 6, 2010

The 3 Conditions For Connecting

  1. Rapport
  2. Calibrating
  3. Pls understand what r u doing
Well, i got to read this book randomly. And i found in my underwear wardrobe this morning. So, i bring it to school! Is not weird to heard that have school today, because it's a replacement with CNY . Yea, i knew it will be very boring in the school. But i'm goin! and i went to. No that bad rite? I help my maths teacher to marks F3 student's PMR Intervensi test paper. Is fun to me, i just act like those teacher whom marking students exam paper. COOL! and today i had a long and deeply chat with Victor Koh and Low Zheng Wei ( ma yi * pls read in chinese ) And also my classmates kept making fun . The mostly i had remember is Aziq sing " H1N1 song " damnn cute mann! Tomorrow morning going to visit the Orphange House from Taman Billion. Sleep now ! See yea! * And the condition of connecting will be continue tomorrow after i came back from Orphange house.