Well, now is one week later. I am going to have our first term exam at school. For me, is a very important thing. It’s because what have I study now, is connect with my future. I try to create my own life, I want to great in my life. Ofcause I have to do many things to hit my target. =) And also what have I wondering is my school fees (I mean college & University) I wasn’t born in a rich family, and also not middle-class family. My parent’s has no idea with education, their education were low. Sorry to said that. I live with my aunt since I was 4. My aunt’s family is middle-class family, but now we having finance problem too. Alas, it is all because of “low education” I should understand the hardship we having. I hope to help too, but I have to concentrate at my studies. Yeah, some of them would say: “just a part time job, doesn’t spend the whole 24hrs”. But, here I said the reason, that I resign my job is because of my studies, I’m not a genius, I can’t just take 10minutes to understand. I have to keep revision until I really do to close the book. Maybe you would say I’m selfish person, yes! I’m selfish, because I’m self-love. Better than those selfless people. Right? What did I do now, is just for my glory future. Wish me! I’m ma going to study hard hard hard!
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