Friday, February 18, 2011


Shoo Shoo!

Here I come again! Since I’ve a great mood for today, so I decided to posts and share it all with you guys. The first time, I saw my Sister, Belle she is happy to see someone she love so much. She seems mature after be with this guy, Erwan. I am Happy and Congratulation to both of you. You guys are glad to be together isn’t? I am happy for my Sister, and felt lucky for you to have my Sister! Don’t hurts her, I warn you! Anyway is all about our fate and everyone should know make hay while the sun shines, as Erwan bro did. xD Haha. I am just kidding. Just make an example. You should be proud with it! :P

Well, I couldn’t tell how my situation right now is, but I hope this time will be better than previous. You might start to feel curious, while you’re reading this line. Seriously no one could understand that LOVE doesn’t judge your outlook or physical outlook, and outlook doesn’t include in LOVE. Do you agree? Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. So, let’s throw that problem away! Shoo! Shoo!

My friends and some of my new friends, always make me answer the common question. Such as: “Hey, Yuki! Watch movie with your BF? “Me: “ Ermm. Big NO! No, I am alone to watch it.” Friend: “Don’t lie to me, you’re such a good looking girl, how come you’re still single? “ Me: “Why not? I don’t need to be like you, I know who I am, and I know what I want and what I need. "

And, I walked away and showing a “LCLY” face to them.
I don’t mind if you ask me am I still single, but please do not make me to answer those silly and I felt that’s stupid question. It doesn’t make sense if you asked me in this way, and I’ll just end up a “WHATEVER” faces to you. I believe that you won’t like to make me to throw my resentment on you. Try not to ask this kind of question to anyone of your friends, you’ll just get out from their list. But I used to forgive and forget, because I am quite proud of that, I am still single; don’t ask me why, that am probably an unreasonable reason.

Do I have a great relationship now or last time?
Hmm. That’s make me speechless. Since I am in this topic now, I have to defend for myself; you might think that I am love cheater or playgirl? But ask yourself now, do you ever know me? Do you really know me well? Whatever, marriages are made in heaven, we can’t decide or do any force between that. I guess everyone did studied Matter in your Sciences lesson, right? Love is just like Solid, Liquid and Gas.

Solid shows that you’ve a strong and stable relationship, and you don’t need to worry about that much, because your love have already in a fixed position relationship. The kinetic energy in Solid, not even zero percent. Solid love/ relationship fixed, and cannot be compressed and high destiny.

Liquid shows that you’ve a normal love, and Liquid is between of Solid and Gas. So, everything will be moderate.

Gas shows that aren’t a stable relationship, it would be widely spread out of the relationship.
Do not melt your relationship from Solid to liquid or evaporate to gas.

I think you guys get what I meant right? If you don’t understand or you have any question in your mind, I would like you to send me an e-mail or you can ask your Science Guru.

Besides that, I’m kindly reminding you Money cannot buy happiness. I’ve had been through that situation few times, and that’s an indelible memories in your memory of life. That’s fair if you get any bitchy name from it. On the another hand, there is one word to describe it, “Money is the root of all evil”. Yea, no matter what money isn’t everything. Poverty is no crime, so to those people with the golden touch, do not love down to those poor. Because Love doesn’t relate to “S double 1”