Friday, April 8, 2011



This is the first year, I played volleyball for school competition. I found there are lots of love from everyone from surrounding.

Couldn't deny, I was kind of arrogant for sometime and to someone.

Volleyball is one of my favorite sport <3 Yes, I am having tan skin color right now :P But everyone seems amaze with my new skin color. Anyway, I do love my current skin color as well. :) Other than that, I've form a volleyball team with my mates. Yes, just few of us and we're seeking for coach to coach as. Hope that the coach that we're looking for is able to coach us! May God Bless us then ;)

Indeed, went out of school and do something with a team of friends, sitting in the bus, taking picture, having lunch and tea together was the most wonderful time that I have in my life. It was the best time of my life. Our team name is " 38 " as well, Thanks to Megan Kee's jersey. :) But I have an idea for the team name, " PUMM! " What do you guys think?

Happy Time ,
Passed as fast as shooting stars.
<3 My mates!
I love you , Guys!
Let's make it work!